IF this software functioned the way Adobe claims it should, it would be heaven, but it is instead HELL! Just spend a few minutes searching Google for such phrases as "Blu-ray Error: "fatal error", Code: "6", Note: "Play item OUT time must be later than IN time" or visit Creative Cow forums and read the anguished cries of people trying to get ONE good Blu-ray authoring project out of this software, and you'll stay away! Those who claim that the people who are dissing Encore are probably Adobe employees! If you work in Standard Def and or do very short, simple Blu-ray projects and are willing to totally wipe and reinstall this software every 3 months, YOU MIGHT find it worthwhile, but others find themselves staring at bizarre, undeciperable error messages at 2AM with a deadline breathing down their necks and a company that REFUSES to acknowledge problems with their software.